The craft of psychotherapy calls us to deeply embody ourselves and companion others as they become present to, and process the unbearable in their individual and intergenerational histories. Called to descend with another into the abyss of one’s legacy of suffering is a tall order, one that demands us, as therapists, to cultivate our capacity and consciousness as we bear witness to that which has been endured yet unmetabolized, and to attend to another in their journey back to Self, all the while maintaining our equilibrium, compassion, and open heart.
In a day of reflection, therapists will come together online, in circle, to touch into and process aspects of what it means to be a therapist and to embody their heart in clinical practice. In our exploration we will delve into the questions,
How do you muster the vastness and endurance necessary to accompany others to return from the underworld of trauma?
Where are you being called to grow, expand or witness?
How do you stay well and thrive with the demands of practice?
Embodiment practices, reflective process, dialogue, small group discussions, and live demonstrations will be the vehicle for such exploration as we deepen connection to the sentient and archetypal worlds and embodied wisdoms and use creative process to narrate our journey. We will discuss the theory and practice of somatic attachment psychotherapy as embedded in the discussion of the demonstrations to deepen our personal understanding and experience of embodying the heart in clinical practice.
This intensive is online and geared towards therapist’s process and reflection rather than a clinical training. This group intensive is open to therapists with a graduate degree(s) in a mental health discipline who have completed the 2 year BBP training (or training in process) with Lisa.
December 30th 9:00 – 5:00 pm
175.00 includes gst
REGISTRATION: trainings@lisamortimore.com